
New Toy (MPx-220)


I bought a new phone. A bit early (I wanted to keep the Nokia in operation for at least 2 years), but oh well. Most everyone (business people) in the US have [Blackberrys]( This allows them to get their company email on their device anytime, anywhere. I soooo wanted one. Oliver (aka The New Ben) was testing an application called [Smartner Duality]( This is an application that sits on your PC (Professional Edition), and connects to your company’s Exchange server. It maintains an active GPRS connection with your Windows Smartphone or Symbian-based mobile phone and “pushes” the email to your phone whenever you get it. You can reply to the emails, etc. My little Nokia couldn’t handle that, so I decided to go for a Windows Smartphone. Motorola has the [MPx-220]( I bought it, and ignoring the fact that it is Windows, it works well. **A few gripes (Windows related):** - Even though it is Windows embedded, it is freaken slow to boot-up! I don’t get it. - Slightly buggy in places, standard practice of Microsoft using consumers as beta testers. - Have to reboot after changing some configuration, such as attaching a photo to a contact. This is to be expected, though. It *is* Microsoft… - Camera is a bit slow Other than those items, I am pretty happy with it - I have *(finally)* joined the world of mobile email and camera phones.