
Ubuntu 7.10 - Gusty Gibbon - Installation


Last night, I installed Ubuntu 7.10. I had 7.4 installed previously, but I decided to do a complete reinstall. This included repartitioning the drive into, what I think, is a better configuration. I (again) pasted what I wrote in the forums of the Beijing Linux Users Group: A few observations: 1. Wow - Compiz rocks! Those who are allured by Mac’s “beautiful visuals”, they need to check Compiz out. I have no idea why the package compizconfig-settings-manager isn’t installed by default - took me a while to figure that out - I wanted the cube!! 2. The nvidia drivers were already installed. It just worked!!! This is a big improvement over 7.4. Yes, it complained it was a restricted driver, but that was easy to turn off by enabling it. 3. Getting the codecs to work, while straight forward, the connection to medibuntu sucks. So damn slow. 4. This is slightly related to 3. I like amarok to manage my music, so installing it was a piece of cake. But it didn’t recognize the xine engine untul I installed xine-ui. I didn’t see this in documentation anywhere (maybe it should be a prereq for amarok, or anything that uses xine) 5. I decided to go for the 4 partition approach: /boot, swap, /, and /home, where /home is by far the largest. I decided to screw the GParted route to try to resize, etc. I just backed up the data on my USB HD and copied things over once Ubuntu was installed. Check my previous 7.4 installation post for a comparison report at I still need to check the webcam support in the other clients to see if that has been improved. Other than that, I really like how Ubuntu / Linux is coming along. I really don’t see a reason to spend the money to get Winblows or Mac. This is really a full fledged OS! I documented my installation and configuration efforts at