
Broke my foot playing Badminton. How good am I?


My Toastmasters group had a social gathering yesterday, and this time, we did something healthy (as opposed to eat and drink like we do at the Linux group, j/k), we played Badminton. I was playing fine, probably overexerting myself at times, but all in all, was having a good time. But then, the birdie was launched way back and I ran back to get it, of course missed.  As I landed on my right foot, I immediately knew I landed on it improperly as I felt some pain and had trouble stopping myself.  I didn’t fall to the ground luckily, as that would have been quite embarrassing!  But I did have to limp back to the seats. Sitting, there wasn’t much pain.  Once I put pressure on my foot, major pain.  Was very difficult to walk.  Instead of going to dinner with the others, Melanie insisted I go to the hospital and get it checked out. After a 5 minute wait, saw the doctor, he had me get some x-rays taken.  Turns out I fractured the #5 Metatarsus, the small bone on the outside of the foot leading to the small tow (number 4 in the image below, far right bone).
Foot bones
The doctor said I probably didn’t need a cast - he scheduled a followup for me on Monday with an Orthopedic doctor for the final decision. Ugh. So now, I’m stuck on crutches at least 2 weeks (prob. more), and the doctor says it will take at about 8 weeks to heal fully - so I’ll need to be careful when walking not to put too much pressure on the foot.