
Set up my La Fonera+, finally...


I finally got around to setting up my FON router.  I was given one free by a fellow Beijing Linux User Group member, on the condition I blog about it.  Well, a year later is, well, late, but better than never, eh? I motivated myself to do this as I’ll be traveling to Hong Kong and Singapore for Chinese New Year (leaving tomorrow!), and I’d like to be able to have a few more free WIFI options, in case my then selected coffee shop only offers for-pay WIFI access.  That, and I want to procrastinate my studying for an exam I’ll be taking in Hong Kong next week.  Hooking up network routers is much more fun than studying, no? As I already have a Netgear WRG614 wireless router, I decided to take advantage of the fact the La Fonera+ has two segregated networks (public and private), I used it to authenticate to my ISP using PPPoE, and connected my Netgear router to the LAN port of the La Fonera+.  That way, my netgear router, which handles some wired and all primary wireless through my house is segregated from the “public” wireless network the Fon creates. Do I really need to keep using my Netgear?  Hmm, good question… But I may want to upgrade to a N wireless router in the future, in which case, I would keep my current configuration. Any way, I’m off tomorrow, and I’ll be sure to post back to see how it works.  Last time I was in Hong Kong, I was disapointed to see how many WIfi spots around the city were not free.  Now that I have the Fon active, I hope I can be pleasently surprised this time.